2004 Hyundai Santa Fe Owner's Manual

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2004 Hyundai Santa Fe Owner's Manual On this page you can read the user manual for the car 2004 Hyundai Santa Fe online in PDF format or download to your computer.

Despite its luxurious looks, the 2004 Hyundai Santa Fe SUV is available to car enthusiasts at a good, not exorbitant price. In addition to the standard package, they can buy a plug-in hybrid version. It is perfect even for family trips, so this model is a very profitable investment. The salon can accommodate five people. It can be seen that the developers have taken care of the comfort of passengers, since even the seats for tall people are quite spacious and with pleasant pillows. A 2.5-liter naturally aspirated gasoline engine, paired with an eight-speed automatic transmission, produces 281 horsepower. The 2004 Hyundai Santa Fe is priced at $27,400.

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