2006 Hyundai Elantra Owner's Manual

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2006 Hyundai Elantra Owner's Manual

In October 1990, the first Hyundai Lantra J-1 model debuted, the second generation of this model appeared in October 1995, and later in 1999 the second generation was restyled.

The third generation, already called Hyundai Elantra XD (Hyundai Elantra XD), was presented by the company at the Turin Motor Show in September 2000. . The new model has become much larger than its predecessor. The wheelbase has been extended by 5.75 cm to add more room in the cabin. Hyundai Elantra XD began to install R15 wheels. It is a new addition to the Hyundai Lantra J-1 family of passenger cars, available in four and five door versions with a choice of 1.6 and 2.0 liter DOHC engines.

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