2007 Hyundai Matrix Owner's Manual

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2007 Hyundai Matrix Owner's Manual

At the time of the first decade of the 21st century, it was hard enough to find a decent economical car, at an inexpensive price, as to start the crisis. A front-wheel drive minivan with a transformer interior was a bit of a curiosity. Although this model has not begun to be super popular, it has clearly earned trust due to its economy and spaciousness. The motor is presented in several versions, including diesel. And its high maintainability, definitely fell in love with the owners.
This car has very good visibility due to the large windshield and the high ceiling of the Matrix. Safety is not particularly thought out, but the airbag for the driver and front passenger is provided. Fuel consumption on a conventional gasoline engine is 10 liters per hundred in urban mode. The cabin has air conditioning and power steering.
This car did not claim to be a top family car, but some competitors in the same price category could envy its reliability.

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