2012 Hyundai Accent Owner's Manual

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2012 Hyundai Accent Owner's Manual

Changes in the exterior of the Hyundai Accent mainly affected the front part, where the designers modified the radiator grille (it became similar to a similar element of some Toyota models), head optics (it can be LED for an extra charge) and bumper. In addition, among the body color options, new ones appeared – mother-of-pearl brown, orange and blue, as well as metallic beige.

The stern of the sedan has also changed slightly, having received new lights and a more massive bumper. As for the interior, it has not changed so much externally, although they did work on the instrument lighting, but took a step forward in terms of finishing materials and capabilities. In particular, the steering column is now adjustable not only in height, but also in reach. In addition, the windshield heating and many other useful and necessary “chips” appeared in the list of options.

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