2016 Hyundai Elantra GT Owner's Manual

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2016 Hyundai Elantra GT Owner's Manual On this page you can read the user manual for the car 2016 Hyundai Elantra GT online in PDF format or download to your computer.

The next car on our list is the 2016 Hyundai Elantra GT. It appeared on the market even earlier than Hyundai Accent , already in 1990. This model stands out in the stream of sedans with its unique style. But under the chimera body shape lies a compact and spacious car. The interior has a futuristic style and is equipped with high-end features. But the radiator grilles in the exterior give off the aesthetics of superheroes, in particular Spider-Man, so fans of this universe will definitely appreciate it. The new Elantra features fuel efficiency, impressive technology and safety features, and a spacious interior. And the future owner will get all this at a nice price. Unfortunately, among all the above pluses, there is one minus : a weak base engine. True, the optional motor saves the situation. The sedan can accommodate five people. Its salon is thought out for trifles in both rows. The back seat even has room for tall passengers. The instrument panel and center console are focused on the driver, while the passenger side has a more minimalist approach. Trunk volume is slightly larger than the average for this class - 400 liters. A standard four-cylinder, two-liter gasoline engine produces 147 horsepower. In 8.1 seconds, the car accelerates to 100 kilometers. The price for the 2022 Hyundai Elantra is $21,295 .

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