2017 Hyundai Elantra Limited Owner's Manual

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2017 Hyundai Elantra Limited Owner's Manual

The top-end Elantra Limited differs from the rest of the Hyundai Elantra , with a chic package in all plans. In addition to the cosmic exterior design of the 7th generation, this model receives the main advantage – comfort. Due to the reinforced suspension, even low-profile tires on large rims cope well with large bumps and reduce discomfort to a minimum. But this means that the car is not intended for sports driving.
The Limited model received the largest possible number of electronic bells and whistles. Large, fully digitized tidy, beautifully done in terms of graphics and clarity, a large 10-inch multimedia screen, with the ability to connect any modern smartphone using Android Auto or Apple Car Play. Leather seats are heated and ventilated. There is climate control and adaptive cruise control. Cruise helps identify pedestrians and the likelihood of a frontal collision, as well as parking assistance. The Limited also received a circular view, which is included in the security system as an additional feature.

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