2021 Hyundai Genesis G70 Owner's Manual

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2021 Hyundai Genesis G70 Owner's Manual

Hyundai Genesis G70 – rear-wheel drive or all-wheel drive sedan class “D”. The first generation of the model. The car was first shown to the general public on September 15, 2017 as part of the G70 Seoul 2017 festival at the Seoul Olympic Park; the day before, the Hyundai Genesis Design Center hosted an official presentation for journalists.

The G70 is the final model in the sedan lineup along with the Genesis G80 and G90 models. For the company, the model is of great importance, because, firstly, after the G70, the brand’s next step will be luxury crossovers, and secondly, the niche in which the G70 plays is in demand and at the same time is highly competitive (the main rivals of the G70 are representatives of the German “troika”: 3-series BMW, Mercedes C-Class and Audi A4). No wonder the presentation of the car was such a big deal.

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