2021 Hyundai Santa Fe Hybrid Owner's Manual

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2021 Hyundai Santa Fe Hybrid Owner's Manual

The silver color of the car and the grille in the form of a grid are pleasantly pleasing to the eye. Thanks to its 13.8 kW battery, the 2021 Hyundai Santa Fe Hybrid crossover will travel up to fifty kilometers on electric traction. Although the information from the developers contained the figure 48. But if you pay attention to the power reserve, it turns out that it will be 708 km, if only the tank is filled and the battery is charged. Future owners who decide to test their new acquisition on a city road will need nothing more than an electric motor. But the driver should stay as close as possible to gas stations, because the engine will need to be charged every day. The engine itself has a displacement of 1.6 liters and produces 261 horsepower and 258 lb-ft of torque.
The 2021 Hyundai Santa Fe Hybrid is priced at $ 33,650 .

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