2021 Hyundai Tucson Hybrid Owner's Manual

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2021 Hyundai Tucson Hybrid Owner's Manual

Hyundai Tucson Hybrid 2021 model has two types of engines : electric and gasoline, which is logical. A 1.49 kW lithium-ion polymer battery helps them function well. The 1.6-liter petrol engine produces 44.2 kW of power, 230 horsepower and 258 lb-ft of torque. Everything related to technical characteristics can be called a mixture of low fuel consumption and confident drive.

Hyundai Tucson Hybrid 2021 pleases motorists with a modern design, a dark chrome geometric pattern on the grille. At the rear of the car are LED lights. A pleasant “trick” of the cabin is the backlight, which the passenger can adjust as he likes. And thanks to the panoramic roof, the cabin is very bright.

The 2021 Hyundai Tucson Hybrid is priced at $29,350.

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