2022 Hyundai Elantra Owner's Manual

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2022 Hyundai Elantra Owner's Manual

A spectacular car in 2022, truly modern in every detail, from an updated engine to technological electronic gadgets. The new Elantra received a fresh design that is fundamentally different from previous versions. The standard engine of the new Elantra is a bit weak for this massive car weighing 1200-1500 kg. But on the Limited configuration, a 276 horsepower engine is installed, which is enough to disperse the car in 8 seconds to hundreds.
A completely new interior, received a fully digital tidy and a huge multimedia screen. The system supports voice control. The interior is spacious, and for the comfort of rear passengers, the backs of the front seats have been reduced.
Fuel consumption is from 6 liters per 100 km. The main feature and a new feature is the switch button for changing the motor power. For 20 seconds, the motor produces maximum power up to 286 forces. The button is on the steering wheel.
There was also an opportunity to purchase an Elantra Hybrid.

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