2016 Hyundai Genesis Coupe Owner's Manual

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2016 Hyundai Genesis Coupe Owner's Manual

Genesis Coupe from manufacturer Hyundai is a popular model and it is oriented to both the American and European markets. The updated model received the same volume, but more power, by as much as 50 horses, which improves torque. There is also an eight-speed automatic here. It was this update that began to interest new buyers.
Noise-absorbing glass with thermal reflection has become a novelty. The climate control has an anti-fogging function. Despite the look of the Hyundai Genesis Coupe body , roominess is not particularly affected and the front seats are easily moved away due to electronic components, which contributes to a more comfortable fit for rear passengers. This option of Genesis is perfect for business travelers for business trips with the ability to communicate via mobile communications, while not being distracted from the road. Safety assistants will perfectly complement the ride with safety.

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