2011 Hyundai Tucson Owner's Manual

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2011 Hyundai Tucson Owner's Manual

The name of this “city of the sun” (more than 300 sunny days a year) is the best fit for the Hyundai car, designed to become a symbol of success, freedom, youth and sportsmanship.

Hyundai Tucson represents the SUV class that is rapidly gaining popularity. This is a utilitarian practical car for everyday use. The main advantage of this sports wagon with off-road capabilities is versatility and practicality.

Hyundai Tucson (Tucsan) is primarily a city car, but with serious ambitions, which are supported by the most modern technical solutions. As tractable and comfortable on the track as compact and agile in the city, the Tucson (Tucsan) is able to show character when the pavement ends. Coping with any road conditions, this car easily adapts to changes in your lifestyle.

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