2021 Hyundai Grand Santa Fe Owner's Manual

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2021 Hyundai Grand Santa Fe Owner's Manual

The 2021 Grand Santa Fe car is not much different in price from its predecessor. Of the new “chips” in the cabin, for example, there are two new rear seats. The exterior is remembered for a large amount of chrome, because this is the main component of the grille. The car has a new bumper, anti-fog headlights, daytime running lights. Windows with a rising line draw attention.
Passengers in the back seat in the cabin have their own climate control, passengers in the front have ventilation. The driver will clearly appreciate the automatic parking system.
The 2.2-liter diesel engine produces 197 horsepower and 310 lb-ft of torque.
The 2021 Hyundai Grand Santa Fe is priced at $29,100.

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