2021 Hyundai Nexo Owner's Manual

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2021 Hyundai Nexo Owner's Manual

The most unique car model that uses hydrogen instead of fuel. And this car has exceeded expectations in terms of power reserve. With the declared 660 kilometers on one gas station, Nexo drove as much as 887 km. This is more than 100 km compared to the previous model. With all this, the navigator determined even more – 903 kilometers. This distance was covered by a hydrogen car in 13 hours, and its average speed was 67 km/h. This required at least 450,000 liters of air.
With such a good performance of a hydrogen car, which was tested in Austria, it can only be refueled in three places in this country. And this means that while mass production for America or Europe should not be expected. Nevertheless, technology does not stand still and in the near future it will be possible to obtain environmentally friendly fuel in every city.

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